We held our second Sleep Well webinar talking all about the importance of getting a good night's sleep with Dr Dimitri Gavriloff, Clinical Sleep Expert.

Click here to watch back the recording if you missed it (the presentation slides will be made available soon too).

Over 80 staff members joined our Sleep Well webinar series to look at how sleep works and why it's important to support mental and physical wellbeing.

Dr Dimitri took part in a 30 minute Q&Zoom snap.PNGA with staff members asking him the best techniques to day-time and night-time behaviours and tools to help improve sleep. 

If you attended the webinar, please do let us know your feedback by completing the Survey Monkey here. There will be a further webinar held in January 2023, dates will be updated on this page

  • Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems: A self-help guide using cognitive-behavioural techniques. (2nd Ed.) Espie, C. A. (2021)
  • Sleeping through the night: How infants, toddlers, and their parents can get a good night’s sleep.  Mindell, J. (2005)
  • Take charge of your child’s sleep: The all-in-one resource for solving sleep problems in kids and teens. Owens, J., & Mindell, J. 
  • Solving sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorders: A guide for frazzled families.  Katz, T., & Malow, B. (2014).
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