Our world is changing rapidly at the moment. Given some of the news coverage, it would be hard not to worry about what it all means for yourself and for those you love. Worry and anxiety are common problems at the best of times, and when it takes over it can become all-encompassing.

Psychology Tools have put together this free guide to help you to manage your worry and anxiety in these uncertain times. Once you have read the information, feel free to try the exercises if you think they might be helpful to you. The article is also available in many other languages in a list on Psychology Tools.

For further information and resources on worry and anxiety, visit our 'Common problems' page.

This positive steps to wellbeing information sheet provides 10 tips on how to look after your wellbeing.

Also, this FACE Covid video provides support through managing fear and anxiety in a crisis.

Coping when things are out of our control

people-26064451280_qr68p9.jpgThere are certain situations that you simply can’t control. The uncertainty and unpredictability of these potential situations can cause many people additional and undue stress and worry. This is completely normal, and lots of people will experience similar feelings when they are unable to control an outcome which is important to them.

If we can’t change a situation or an outcome our best option is to learn how to accept it and deal with it. For more information on techniques you can use to help manage your thoughts and feelings when things happen that are beyond your control, see this beyond our control document from Get Self Help. 

Hope and optimism

Hope and optimism help us to see that things will change and there are opportunities ahead. A hopeful and optimistic frame of mind can help us deal with uncomfortable emotions and handle situations that seem impossible.

Below is a short video which provides an overview of establishing hope and optimism in the face of social isolation and Covid-19.

Updated on: 21/04/2022